Show Your Support in Trenton
Posted in: Homepage News and Events, News for Faculty & Staff, News for Students

Over the last few days, many employees, graduates and friends of the University have written to their legislators advocating for support for an investment in our institution. If you have done so, thank you. If you haven’t, please consider doing so.
As the State of New Jersey’s elected leaders develop next year’s State budget, it is important to remind them of the impact Montclair State University and Bloomfield College of Montclair State University make on our students and on our surrounding communities.
People often ask me how funding for higher education in New Jersey works and whether they can help advocate for the University. A lot of people assume there must be a formula so that each student receives the same state investment regardless of what school they attend. That is not how it works. In fact, every annual state budget sets specific numbers for each university: how much money each school is allocated and how many employees each school will receive funding for to cover benefits.
This year, the proposed budget would result in particular challenges for Montclair State University, which already has the lowest per student funding of any four-year public university in New Jersey (other than TESU, which is fully online).
At the same time, Montclair State University, unlike other New Jersey universities, continues paying the State millions of dollars each year to fund benefits for hundreds of employees not covered in the NJ State budget. With the per employee charge increasing every year, the total costs pass through to each of our students at upwards of $750 per year.
We are asking that the State begin to rectify this issue by covering the benefits of the 500 employees Montclair currently pays for so we can continue offering an excellent education at an affordable price.
Another significant concern is that the proposed state budget would further cut support for Bloomfield College of Montclair State University, the state’s only four-year Predominantly Black Institution. Our team has done a terrific job integrating Bloomfield and saving millions of dollars in the process, but the current budget compounds the dramatic loss of funding for Bloomfield College students that unexpectedly occurred when Bloomfield College merged with Montclair State University. That’s right. The per student investment from the State actually went down when Montclair stepped in to keep Bloomfield College from closing.
Let’s see a baseline level of per student funding for all Montclair State University students including those at Bloomfield College of Montclair State University.
We need your help to show our legislators the true impact of our institution and to correct these inequities in state higher education funding.
Thank you for your interest in advocating for Montclair State University students. Please visit our online platform at where you can find customizable email language you can send to your representatives to show your support for equitable higher education funding in New Jersey.
Together, we are stronger. Together, our voice is louder. And together, we can make a difference for future generations of New Jersey students.